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FDLP Resource Guides


Selected Online Resources: Reference / Public Services

Citing Government Documents (Florida State University Libraries) Provides numerous examples for several different publications and in different formats.

Exhibits and Displays (ALA GODORT), including the Government Documents Display Clearinghouse (ALA GODORT Education Committee and Minnesota State University, Mankato) A compilation of resources for creating library exhibits.  If you're looking for ideas for your own government documents display, get inspired by visiting this site.

Government Information Online (GIO) Virtual Reference Service (ALA GODORT Education Committee) An online reference service supported by Federal depository librarians from several libraries throughout the U.S. Submit a question or search the FAQs.

GovSpeak: A Guide to Government Acronyms and Abbreviations (University of California, San Diego Geisel Library) "The most current, extensive and fully-linked listing of U.S. government agency, office, program and publication acronyms."

LLSDC's Legislative Source Book (Law Librarians' Society of Washington, DC) Originally a print publication, "The Legislative Source Book is a project of LLSDC's Legislative Research Special Interest Section" and provides substantive articles and resources covering various aspects of Federal legislation and regulations.

Resource Example: Page Q from GovSpeak (UCSD Geisel Library)

Page Q from GovSpeak resource

Screenshot of the guide, "GovSpeak: A Guide to U.S. Government Acronyms & Abbreviations."