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FDLP Resource Guides



This guide features various resources or services created or managed by librarians, library organizations, or other subject matter experts in support of U.S. Government information librarianship. It's oriented to staff managing operations and services in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

Federal Depository Library Program eagle graphic is a Government Publishing Office (GPO) website for Federal depository library staff and those interested in GPO cataloging. At this site, you’ll find lots of information from GPO about the FDLP.  If you’re new to the FDLP, see Introduction For New Coordinators and Staff.

For even more information about Federal depository operations and services, tap into the expertise of other librarians and subject matter experts and check out the wealth of resources or services they have created for others in the FDLP and library communities.

These non-GPO resources are commonly called “Community Guides” in FDLP Resource Guides. In Beyond, they include guides as well as other types of resources and services.

Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

The Federal Depository Library Program distributes Government information free of cost to libraries that participate in the program. These libraries have information specialists who can assist your research needs. To find your nearest depository, check out the FDLD

Screenshot of the FDLD map

Disclaimer about Community Guides

Visiting a community guide will direct you to other websites, which may have different privacy policies than the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Also, community guides may feature resources that are not U.S. Government publications or sources, which may not be freely available. Contact the community guide's owner for additional information or assistance.