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FDLP Resource Guides

FDLP Coordinator Calendar


This guide recommends some tasks, tips, training, and other resources for depository coordinators to learn about the FDLP and featured Federal Government information. Click on the main menu options to see each month.

For each month, you will find:

  • Task of the Month
  • FDLP Tip of the Month
  • Reference Resource of the Month
  • Trivia/Social Media Suggestions
  • Executive Department of the Month
  • Federal Holidays of the Month, when applicable

If you have any questions, contact the Federal Depository Support Services at askGPO.

Screenshots of Edward Penfield's Self-Portraits

(Image sources: Smithsonian NPG.84.186 and Smithsonian NPG.89.153)

Information for New Depository Coordinators

If you are a new depository coordinator, we recommend the following FDLP websites as helpful resources: