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FDLP Resource Guides

FDLP Content


Federal depository libraries are required to provide access to all Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) content and catalog or point to the content that is most useful to library patrons. This guide describes that content.

FDLP Content

Official FDLP graphic showing the FDLP eagle logo and "Access U.S. Government information on the go and on the shelf."

FDLP content consists of:

CFR pubs on shelving Tangible resources (including print, microfiche, and CD-ROMs) that your library selected through the FDLP and has in the library or at selective housing sites. This includes Special Selection Offers (but does not include FDLP promotional materials).

Catalog of U.S. Government Publications thumbnail image

GPO GovInfo logoGPO MetaLib logo

Online only publications available in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP).   These include, among many resources:

  • Publications in GovInfo         
  •'s databases. is a Web-based search tool offering one-stop searching across multiple U.S. Federal Government databases, including GPO's Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) and GovInfo.
  • GPO MetaLib resources. MetaLib is a federated search engine that searches multiple U.S. Federal Government databases, retrieving reports, articles, and citations and providing direct links to resources available online.
  • Links to the FDLP Web Archive. The Web Archive collections are cataloged in the CGP. To see the titles within the collections, access the FDLP Web Archive.
FDLP logo

FDLP Basic Collection, or selected, core U.S. Government publications that are vital sources of information supporting the public's right to know about the working and essential activities of the Federal Government. Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in the list accessible for immediate use.

GPO official partner logo Official online content partnership resources from library or Federal agency partners who have made online content available for free, public access. Content is available through bibliographic records in the CGP. Some content is also in GovInfo.

Homeland Security Digital Library graphic


Agency subscription database

Through a partnership with the Naval Postgraduate School, depository libraries have no-fee access to the full database of the Homeland Security Digital Library. Each interested library must register for access.