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FDLP Resource Guides

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Many libraries and related organizations have online guides about the VA and related information for veterans. The featured libraries are part of the Federal Depository Library Program, and they are known as Federal Depository Libraries (FDLs). Community guide topics range from employment opportunities to legal research.

Community Guides

Screenshot of "Military Veterans"

Military Veterans 

Santa Barbara City College Library (non-FDL)

  • Find recommended literature, information on legal resources, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: Social Justice
Screenshot of "Resources for Veterans"

Resources for Veterans

University of Denver Libraries (FDL #0071A)

  • Learn about veteran employment opportunities, databases for research, Colorado and U.S. Government resources, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: Diversity (e.g., Ethnicity, Gender, LGBTQIA), Inclusive Excellence, IRise
Screenshot of "Veterans"


Columbus State University Libraries (FDL #0120A)

  • See oral histories, educational resources, benefits, career programs, and more for veterans, and military members and their families. 
  • Guide's Subjects: Military, Military Students, Veteran Benefits, Veteran Stories, Veterans, Veterans Research, Women Veterans
Screenshot of "Veterans Affairs"

Veterans Affairs

University of Georgia Law Library (FDL #0116A)

  • Explore primary and secondary sources regarding legal research on veterans' affairs.
Screenshot of "Veterans' Benefits and Issues"

Veterans' Benefits and Issues

University of Illinois Chicago School of Law (non-FDL)

  • Delve into legal topics, medical resources, U.S. Government publications, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: Veterans' Benefits, Veterans Law
Screenshot of "Veterans' Resources"

Veterans' Resources

Montana State University Billings Library (FDL #0343)

  • Check out information, including education resources, publications, library research, and support and assistance programs for veterans.
  • Guide's Subjects: Careers, Government Documents, University College, Veterans

Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

The Federal Depository Library Program distributes Government information free of cost to libraries that participate in the program. These libraries have information specialists who can assist your research needs. To find your nearest depository, check out the FDLD

Screenshot of the FDLD map

Disclaimer about Community Guides

Visiting a community guide will direct you to other websites, which may have different privacy policies than the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Also, community guides may feature resources that are not U.S. Government publications or sources, which may not be freely available. Contact the community guide's owner for additional information or assistance.