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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


The VA has three administrations. They are the National Cemetery Administration (NCA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), and Veterans Health Administration (VHA)Learn more about these administrations, including their missions and some of their online resources.

Administrations of the VA

Click on each tab in this box to learn more about each VA administration. As a visual aid, below is a table that shows the general organization of the VA and its administrations. It does not include all offices and entities. It highlights the organizational relationship of the administrations under the VA. Each administration reports to an Under Secretary. The administrations are italicized and highlighted in yellow

U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Under Secretary of Memorial Affairs Under Secretary for Benefits Under Secretary for Health
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)

Main website: 

Established: 1953 as the Department of Veterans Benefits and in 1989 officially designated at the Cabinet level (Public Law 100–527)

Mission: "Provide benefits and services to the veterans and their families in a responsive, timely and compassionate manner in recognition of their service to the Nation."

Additional VBA information and resources:

Resource Information

See what is available for VA benefits. Available also in Español.

Compensation Learn about different types of compensations as a VA benefit, including Disability Compensation and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation.
Education and Training Explore resources for educational programs and training.
Fact Sheets Read publications about VA benefits, from home loans to the Fiduciary Program.
Outreach, Transition and Economic Development (OTED) Discover initiatives by the OTED to transition from military to civilian life.
VA Home Loans Apply for home loans for service members, veterans, and eligible surviving spouses.
Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Look at services to help employment training and opportunities.
Web Automated Reference Material System Find publications on VA benefit policies.

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)

Main website:

Established: 1865 (National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers), in 1930 under the Veterans Administration, the Department of Medicine and Surgery in 1946 (Public Law 79–293), and then in 1989 at the Cabinet level (Public Law 100–527)

Mission: "Honor America’s Veterans by providing exceptional health care that improves their health and well-being."

Vision: "VA will lead the future in delivering unparalleled health and well-being to our nation’s Veterans, and to the nation."

Additional VHA information and resources: 

Resource Information
Health Topics A to Z Index Explore this information tool on a variety of subjects. Use this patient portal for all your VA health care needs.
Office of Research & Development (ORD) Visit the ORD to learn about latest research to improve the well-being and health of veterans.
VA Caregiver Support Program Learn about clinical services for "caregivers of eligible and covered veterans enrolled in the VA health care system."
VA Health Care Apply for VA health care benefits as a service member or veteran. Also available in Español.

National Cemetery Administration (NCA)

Main Website:

Established: 1973 administratively (Public Law 93–43) and in 1989 officially designated at the Cabinet level (Public Law 100–527)

Mission: "Honors eligible Veterans, active-duty Service Members and eligible family members with final resting places in national shrines and with lasting tributes that commemorate their service and sacrifice to our Nation."

Vision: "To be the model of excellence for burial and memorials for our Nation’s Veterans and their families."

Additional NCA information and resources:

Resource Information
Burial Benefits Find out about burial benefits, including a gravesite and its perpetual care.
Cemetery Restoration Read about the nationwide initiative to "acknowledge and collaborate with community-led efforts to restore Veteran gravesites within historic private cemeteries."
Daily Burial Schedule See service information for all VA national cemeteries.
Find a Cemetery Locate national and VA grant-funded cemeteries.
Nationwide Gravesite Locator (NGL) Search the database for "burial locations of Veterans and their family members."
Veterans Legacy Memorial (VLM) Learn about the almost 10 million veterans who have "have received a VA-provided gravesite marker since 1996."
Volunteer With the National Cemetery Administration Volunteer at or donate to VA cemeteries.

Quick Facts about the VA Administrations

National Cemetery Administration (NCA)

"To make burial arrangements at any open VA national cemetery at the time of need, call the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at 800-535-1117."

Veterans Health Administration (VHA)

Did you know that the VHA currently serves "9.1 million enrolled Veterans each year."