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FDLP Resource Guides

U.S. Department of the Interior


The DOI publishes on a variety of topics, including on cultural events and scientific data. Whether on a DOI, U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), or an interagency website, the general public can access these publications for free.

DOI Publications

Collage of featured DOI publications

Featured DOI Publications

DOI publishes on a variety of works. Click on the side arrows to see the featured publications.

  • Bureau of Land Management's Technical Notes
  • Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's Studies
  • National Park Service's Publications on Diverse and Inclusive History
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Fact Sheet
  • U.S. Geological Survey's Fact Sheet

DOI Publications using GPO Resources

GPO has information and publications about the DOI. Featured examples include the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP), FDLP Academy, and GovInfo. Click on the tabs of this box to learn more about these resources.

The CGP is one GPO resource to find DOI publications. The following information is about one search strategy using the Superintendent of Documents (SuDoc) class numbers.

  1. Go to the CGP
  2. Click on the "Advanced" button in the main menu.
  3. Select "SuDoc Class Number."
  4. Type in the SuDoc class number (see table below for DOI examples)
  5. Click "Go."
  6. Search results appear in order of publication year (newest to oldest).
    • Some search results lists will include class numbers in the SuDoc column other than the number searched. This happens if a catalog record contains both old and new SuDoc numbers. The CGP displays the original SuDoc number on the search results page, and the current number is only visible once a record is opened. GPO is investigating whether this can be changed.
DOI Department or Bureau SuDoc Class Number
U.S. Department of the Interior I
Bureau of Indian Affairs I 20.
Bureau of Land Management I 53.
National Park Service I 29.
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement  I 71.
U.S. Geological Survey I 19.

Freely available for the general public, the FDLP Academy offers webinars and webcasts for Federal Depository Libraries. Its mission is to "create and deliver enhanced educational opportunities to the FDLP community by fostering collaboration, by facilitating knowledge sharing, and through the application of new methods and use of multiple mediums" about U.S. Government resources. The following webinars contain DOI-related information.

Screenshot of "Introduction to the USGS Publications Warehouse"

Introduction to the USGS Publications Warehouse

  • Recorded on May 11, 2023
  • Length of Time: 56 minutes
  • Speaker: Kelly Haberstroh (U.S. Geological Survey)
Screenshot of "There is Nothing so American: Planning a National Park Vacation"

There is Nothing So American: Planning a National Park Vacation

  • Recorded on May 17, 2023
  • Length of Time: 59 minutes
  • Speakers: Dominique Hallett (Arkansas State University) and Jennifer Castle (Tennessee State University)
Screenshot of "USGS Training Site: Using The National Map Products and Services"

USGS Training Site: Using The National Map Products and Services

  • Recorded on March 20, 2020
  • Length of Time: Varies
  • USGS created online tutorials on its mapping products and services.

GovInfo provides free access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal government. GovInfo has a collection of DOI publications. The following is one example for a DOI bureau.

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Publications

  • Learn about the bureau and how to search for specific types of topics by region using GovInfo.