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The DOI has eleven bureaus. They are the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Education, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of Trust Funds Administration, National Park Service, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey. Learn more about these bureaus, including their missions and some of their online resources.
Click on each tab in this box to learn more about each DOI bureau. As a visual aid, below is a table that shows the general organization of the DOI and its bureaus. It does not include all offices and entities. It highlights the organizational relationship of the bureaus under the DOI. Each bureau reports to an Assistant Secretary. The bureaus are italicized and highlighted in yellow.
U.S. Secretary of the Interior | ||||||||
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U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Interior | ||||||||
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Assistant Secretary Fish and Wildlife and Parks |
Assistant Secretary Indian Affairs |
Assistant Secretary Insular and International Affairs |
Assistant Secretary Land and Minerals Management |
Assistant Secretary Water and Science |
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National Park Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
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Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Indian Education
Bureau of Trust Funds Administration |
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Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Bureau of Safety and Environment Enforcement Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement |
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Bureau of Reclamation U.S. Geological Survey |
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) |
Main website:
Established: 1824
Mission: "To enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes and Alaska Natives."
Additional BIA information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Frequently Asked Questions | See the top questions that BIA answers. |
History of BIA | Read the brief overview about the history of the bureau. |
News | Hear about latest news from BIA, including press releases, media advisories, and announcements. |
Regional Offices | Find out the BIA 12 regional offices and 83 agencies, including a map of their locations. |
Tracing American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Ancestry | Explore information related to "tribal services, tribal contacts, and genealogical research." |
Tribal Consultations | Learn about the bureau's consultations with Tribal Nations. |
Tribal Leaders Directory | See the online directory of contact information for each Federally recognized tribe. |
Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) |
Main website:
Established: 2006
Mission: "Provide quality education opportunities from early childhood through life in accordance with a tribe’s needs for cultural and economic well-being, in keeping with the vast diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages as distinct cultural and governmental entities."
Vision: "Bureau of Indian Education is the preeminent provider of culturally relevant educational services and supports provided by highly effective educators to students at BIE-funded schools to foster lifelong learning."
Additional BIE information and resources:
Resource | Information |
BIE Schools Directory | Check out the online directory of BIE-funded elementary and secondary schools. |
Division of School Operations | Read about the bureau's School Operations, which "is to support the BIE educational mission and to provide bureau-funded schools optimum services." |
Events Calendar | Discover about current and upcoming events, including workshops, consultations, and listening sessions. |
News | Hear about the latest BIE events and news. |
Native American Student Information System (NASIS) | Explore the "centralized system for supporting school administrators, teacher, staff, students, parents/guardians, and Central Office staff." |
Performance - Data & Statistics | Access reports, including the state performance plans and annual performance reports. |
Off-Reservation Residential Schools | Learn about the "points of pride" of the Chemawa, Flandreau, Riverside, and Sherman schools. |
Standards | See the learning objectives for college and career-ready standards for BIE students. |
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) |
Main website:
Established: 1946
Mission: "To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations."
Vision: "To enhance the quality of life for all citizens through the balanced stewardship of America's public lands and resources."
Additional BLM information and resources:
Resource | Information |
BLM Library | Check out the BLM Library, including its catalog, databases, and subject guides. |
Data Resources | Discover data from across "245 million surface and 700 million sub-surface acres" to inform "stakeholders and the general public" about the bureau's "stewardship responsibilities." |
Electronic Forms | Access BLM forms, including on forestry, mining claims, rangeland resources, and more. |
Federal Land Records | See records from across the country, including "historical documents and current interactive mapping tools." |
Geospatial Program | Learn about the program's integration of "geospatial data into natural resource management" with maps, GIS data, mobile GIS, and more. |
Magazines and Newsletters | Read BLM publications, like My Public Lands and Frontiers. |
Visit Our Public Lands | Try this online resource to plan your next visit to BLM-managed public lands. |
Tribal Consultation | Find information on how BLM conducts tribal consultations. |
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) |
Main website:
Established: 2011
Mission: "To manage development of U.S. Outer Continental Shelf energy and mineral resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way."
Additional BOEM information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Frequently Asked Questions | Learn about BOEM, including its mandates on renewable energy and conventional energy development. |
Library | Check out its library of BOEM resources and publications. |
Newsroom | Hear about the latest news, from media advisories to press releases. |
Ocean Science | Access the BOEM journal on the bureau's data from "scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic." |
OCS Lands Act History | Read about the act that defines the Outer Continental Shelf "as all submerged lands lying seaward of state coastal waters (3 miles offshore) which are under U.S. jurisdiction." |
Regulations and Guidance | Review the bureau's regulations and guidance, including governing statutes. |
Statistics and Facts | Discover collected BOEM data from its regional offices. |
Tribal Engagement | See information on BOEM's tribal consultation policies through both "formal government-to-government consultation and informal dialogue, collaboration, and engagement." |
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) |
Main website:
Established: 1902
Mission: "To manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American public."
Values: Professional excellence, safety, and respect
Additional BOR information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Fact Sheet | Check out quick facts about BOR. |
News & Multimedia | Hear about the latest BOR information, including speeches, congressional testimonies, and news releases. |
Organizational Chart | See the bureau's organizational chart, as of February 2024. |
Programs, Initiatives & Activities | Read about the many BOR programs, from its Hydroelectric Power Program to WaterSMART Program. |
Reclamation Library | Learn more about the bureau's resources and publications. | | Explore this interagency website on "the tools, services and information you'll need to dream up your next adventure" at over 113,000 recreation locations across the nation. |
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) |
Main website:
Established: 2011
Mission: "To promote safety, protect the environment and conserve resources offshore through vigorous regulatory oversight and enforcement."
Additional BSEE information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Library | See the library of "BSEE programs, publications, studies, and frequently asked questions." |
Newsroom | Hear about the latest news, including featured stories and congressional testimonies. |
Offshore Data & Tools | Discover BSEE investigations, data, statistics, and more. |
Our Organization | Learn about the organizational structure of the 850 Federal employees who work for the bureau. |
Reporting & Prevention | Find information on how to reporting noncompliant incidents. |
Research Records | Read about the latest research projects, from emerging technologies and infrastructure. |
Bureau of Trust Funds Administration (BTFA) |
Main website:
Established: 2020
Mission: To "manage the financial assets of trust beneficiaries."
Vision: We Excel, Native America Prospers
Additional BTFA information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Individual Indian Money Accounts |
Office of Trust Records | See information about the office that "upholds the legal obligation of the trust relationship between the Federal government American Indians and Alaska Natives." |
Publications | Read BTFA publications, including its annual reports and budget justifications. |
Tribal Trust News Archive | Review news releases from the last five years. |
Contact Our Offices | Search for a BTFA office. |
National Park Service (NPS) |
Main website:
Established: 1916
Mission: "Preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world."
Additional NPS information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Explore by Topic | See a wide range of subjects related to the national parks, from archaeology to World War II. |
Frequently Asked Questions | Learn about basic NPS facts and more about the bureau. |
Maps | Check out different types of maps and mapping tools. |
National Register of Historic Places | Visit the webpage about the official list of the "Nation's history places worthy of preservation." |
News | Hear about the latest news from the bureau. |
Organizational Structure | View the organizational structure of the bureau that has over 20,000 employees working across the nation. |
Plan Your Visit | Prepare a future trip to a national park with these online resources. |
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) |
Main website:
Established: 1977
Mission: "To carry out the requirements of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) in cooperation with States and Tribes. Our primary objectives are to ensure that coal mines are operated in a manner that protects citizens and the environment during mining and assures that the land is restored to beneficial use following mining, and to mitigate the effects of past mining by aggressively pursuing reclamation of abandoned coal mines."
Additional OSMRE information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Frequently Asked Questions | Check out the top questions about OSMRE, from its regulations to staking a claim. |
History | Read about SMCRA and the establishment of OSMRE. |
Laws & Regulations | See the Federal Government documents behind OSMRE's laws and regulations, including SMCRA and the Code of Federal Regulations. |
Programs |
Stories | Hear about OSMRE information and events, from planting trees at the Flight 93 National Memorial to bat facts. |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) |
Main website:
Established: 1940
Mission: "The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people."
Vision: "We envision a future where people and nature thrive in an interconnected way and where every community feels part of and committed to the natural world around us."
Additional USFWS information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Education Programs | Check out the variety of programs for children and families to connect with the outdoors. |
Federal Duck Stamps | Learn about the program to support bird habitat conservation for the National Wildlife Refuge System. |
Fish Stocking | See the different services provided by the National Fish Hatchery System. |
FWS Library | Visit the library for its digital and printed collections. |
Taxonomic Tree | View a taxonomy of any species of the kingdoms. |
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) |
Main website:
Established: 1879
Mission: "The USGS monitors, analyzes, and predicts current and evolving Earth-system interactions and delivers actionable information at scales and timeframes relevant to decision makers. The USGS provides science about natural hazards, natural resources, ecosystems and environmental health, and the effects of climate and land-use change."
Vision: "Lead the Nation in 21st-century integrated research, assessments, and prediction of natural resources and processes to meet society’s needs."
Additional USGS information and resources:
Resource | Information |
Mission Areas | USGS has five mission areas: core science systems, ecosystems, energy and minerals, natural hazards, and water resources. |
The National Map | This online resource has products and services on geospatial information of the United States and its territories. |
News Releases | See the latest USGS information from national and state new releases. |
Science Centers | Learn more about these centers, including the Astrogeology Science Center, Geologic Hazards Science Center, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, and Volcano Science Center. |
U.S. Board on Geographic Names | Established in 1890, this board "maintains uniform geographic name usage through the Federal Government." |
USGS Library | Check out one of the "world's largest Earth and natural science libraries." |
USGS Publications Warehouse | Discover over 170,000 digitized publications by USGS authors. |
Under the BIA's Office of Justice Services is the Missing and Murdered Unit that "investigates unsolved missing and murdered cases in Indian Country."
There are 183 Bureau-funded elementary and secondary schools, located on "64 reservations in 23 states, serving approximately 40,000 Indian students."
BLM has weekly story maps, which feature a range of places and their cultural and natural significance.
BOEM has extensive statistics on marine minerals to help stakeholders "plan for coastal restoration while being responsible ocean stewards."
BOR is the "nation's largest wholesale water supplier, operating 294 reservoirs with a total storage capacity of 140 million acre-feet."
BSEE!Safe provides text alerts about the bureau's Safety Alerts and Bulletins.
Over 311,000,000 people visited the national parks in 2022.
The Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Awards recognize "outstanding reclamation techniques and projects."
In addition to the annual Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest, there is the Junior Duck Stamp Program.
USGS' National Land Imaging Program includes Landsat satellite missions.
Learn more about the
Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)
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