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FDLP Resource Guides

U.S. Congress


Many libraries and related organizations have online guides about the U.S. Congress. The featured libraries are part of the Federal Depository Library Program, and they are known as Federal Depository Libraries (FDLs). These highlighted community guides explore a range of topics, which include various congressional publications, record of floor votes, historical impeachments, and investigations.

Community Guides

Screenshot of "lkwAmerican Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899"jre"

American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899

University of Oklahoma Law Library (FDL #0488A)

  • Explore Congressional publications related to "political, military, and governmental activities related to indigenous peoples of the continental United States and Alaskan territory during the 19th century."
Screenshot of "Boeing 737 MAX Government Investigation"

Boeing 737 MAX Government Investigation

Union College Library (FDL #0421) 

  • Union College Library's guide focuses chronologically on government investigations about the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, including congressional hearings and reports.
  • Guide's Subjects: Aircraft Safety, Boeing 737 MAX, Congressional Investigation, FAA and Boeing Collaboration, Government & Politics, Senate Aircraft Safety Investigation
Screenshot of "Congress"


University of Michigan Library (FDL #0278)

  • If conducting research on the U.S. Congress, check out this guide that features key resources and publications. These include the Serial Set, congressional hearings, district maps, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: Clarklibrary, Government, Politics & Law, News & Current Events
Screenshot of "Congressional Documents"

Congressional Documents

Bowdoin College Library (FDL #0237) 

  • For a comprehensive overview about the U.S. Congress, check out this online guide from Bowdoin College Library. The guide provides an in-depth context of the law-making procedures. Topics include constitutional amendments, bills and resolutions, presidential appointments, and a history of impeachments.
  • Guide's Subject: Government
Screenshot of "Congressional Information"

Congressional Information

Naval Postgraduate School Library (FDL #0048C)

  • Discover free resources on U.S. Congressional information, including laws, statutes, regulations, and congressional hearings.
  • Guide's Subjects: Area Studies, Asia, Budget, Civil Affairs, Congressional Information, CRS, Federal, Homeland Defense, Homeland Security, International Studies, Latin America, Middle East, Peacekeeping, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Regional Studies, Rule of Law, Small Wars, Special Forces
Screenshot of "Congressional Publications: Information Sources"

Congressional Publications: Information Sources

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries (FDL #0255)

  • Dive into various U.S. Congressional publications and resources that cover a range of topics, including legislative histories, debates, reports, data, and latest news.
Screenshot of "Federal Legislative Research"

Federal Legislative Research

Louisiana State University Law Library (FDL #0231)

  • Learn how the U.S. Congress makes laws by exploring various publications, resources, and tips, including the U.S. Code, congressional reports, popular names tables, legislative histories, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: Acts, Bills, Code, Congress, Federal, Federal Law, Legislation, Legislative History, Statutes

Screenshot of "Attack on the U.S. Capitol / Impeachment"

January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol / Impeachment

University of California San Diego Library (FDL #0066B)

  • The guide looks at official Federal and state Government materials concerning the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the subsequent Presidential impeachment.
Screenshot of "United States Congressional"

United States Congressional

The University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries (FDL #0616B)

  • This guide explores U.S. Congressional publications in print, electronic databases, Federal Government websites, and more. 
Screenshot of "U.S. Government Documents: The Presidency, Congress, the Courts & Agency Regulations"

U.S. Government Documents: The Presidency, Congress, the Courts & Agency Regulations

Cornell University Library (FDL #0388)

  • See a variety of resources showcasing Federal Government publications about the U.S. Congress, the Presidency, Federal regulations, and more. 
  • Guide's Subjects: Accessviewed2019, Government & Public Policy
Screenshot of "What is Congress Doing Now?"

What is Congress Doing Now?

University of Denver Library (FDL #0071A)

  • Curious to know the latest legislative news and actions? Check out this guide about various resources on what is happening today in the U.S. Congress.
  • Guide's Subjects: Government Information, Political Science

Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

The Federal Depository Library Program distributes Government information free of cost to libraries that participate in the program. These libraries have information specialists who can assist your research needs. To find your nearest depository, check out the FDLD

Screenshot of the FDLD map

Disclaimer about Community Guides

Visiting a community guide will direct you to other websites, which may have different privacy policies than the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Also, community guides may feature resources that are not U.S. Government publications or sources, which may not be freely available. Contact the community guide's owner for additional information or assistance.