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FDLP Resource Guides

Then and Now Experiences of the LGBTQ+ Community


Many libraries and related organizations have guides about LGBTQ+ resources. The featured libraries are part of the Federal Depository Library Program, and they are known as Federal Depository Libraries (FDLs). Visit these community guides for more information.

Community Guides

Screenshot of "Government Documents: LGBTQ+ Resources"

Government Documents: LGBTQ+ Resources

Mercer University (FDL #0123A)

  • Check out resources like LGBTQ+ helplines and a timeline of government documents.
  • Guide's Subjects: Gov Docs, Government, Government Document, Government Documents
Screenshot of "LGBTQ History in Government Documents"

LGBTQ History in Government Documents

University of California San Diego (FDL #0066B)

  • See a timeline on government documents related to LGBTQ history.
  • Guide's Subjects: Government, Government Information
Screenshot of "LGBTQIA+ & the Federal Government"

LGBTQIA+ & the Federal Government

Texas Christian University (FDL #0607A)

  • Learn about monthly updates on LGBTQIA+ issues, Government documents, terminology and definitions, a historic timeline, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: AIDS, Aromantic, Asexual, Bisexual, Documents, Domestic Partner, Don't Ask Don't Tell, Education, Gay, Gender, General Research, Government Information, Hate Crime, HIV, Homosexual, Intersexual, Law/Legal Information, Lesbian, LGBT, LGBTQ, Military Science, Nursing, Queer, Reference, Same-Sex, Sexual Identity, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Preference, Sexuality, Social Work, Sociology, Spectrum, Transgender, Transsexual, Women and Gender Studies

Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

The Federal Depository Library Program distributes Government information free of cost to libraries that participate in the program. These libraries have information specialists who can assist your research needs. To find your nearest depository, check out the FDLD

Screenshot of the FDLD map

Disclaimer about Community Guides

Visiting a community guide will direct you to other websites, which may have different privacy policies than the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Also, community guides may feature resources that are not U.S. Government publications or sources, which may not be freely available. Contact the community guide's owner for additional information or assistance.