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FDLP Resource Guides

Then and Now Experiences of American Indians and Alaska Natives


Many libraries and related organizations have information about and for AIAN. The featured libraries are part of the Federal Depository Library Program, and they are known as Federal Depository Libraries (FDLs).

Community Guides

Screenshot of "lkwAmerican Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899"jre"

American Indian and Alaskan Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817–1899

University of Oklahoma Law Library (FDL #0488A)

  • Explore Congressional publications related to "political, military, and governmental activities related to indigenous peoples of the continental United States and Alaskan territory during the 19th century."
Screenshot of "Gov Docs: Native American History and Culture"

Gov Docs: Native American History and Culture

University of South Alabama Library (FDL #0007B)

  • Dive into resources, including Federal government websites, databases on historic government information, and more.
  • Guide's Subjects: AIAN, Anthropology, Government Documents, History, Indian, Indian Affairs, Indians, MMIP, MMIW, MMNA, Native American, Native American Studies, Native Americans
Screenshot of "Government Information Research Guide"

Government Information Research Guide

University of Montana Library (FDL#0341)

  • Check out AIAN news, Montana tribal websites, and related Federal government information.
  • Guide's Subjects: Census, Federal, Government, Government Resources, Legislation, Parks, State
Screenshot of "Government Resources on Native American Heritage"

Government Resources on Native American Heritage

Rice University Fondren Library | Kelley Center (FDL #0608C)

  • Learn about the achievements of Native Americans, especially individuals who work in the Federal Government, from those serving in the U.S. Congress to being NASA astronauts.
  • Guide's Subjects: Government Information, Native American Heritage, Native American History
Screenshot of "Indian Law Research Guides"

Indian Law Research Guides

National Indian Law Library (non-FDL)

  • Research resources on Federal Indian and tribal laws, including on repatriation, jurisdiction in Indian Country, and tribal enrollment.
Screenshot of "Native American Law Research Guide"

Native American Law Research Guide

Georgetown Law Library (FDL #0093A)

  • Read about featured resources, including public policies, U.S. Supreme Court cases, and state codes that concern Native American law.
Screenshot of "Native American Studies: Finding Government/Legal Sources"

Native American Studies: Finding Government/Legal Sources

Montana State University Billings (FDL #0343)

  • Discover census data, laws, treaties, and Federal government resources.
  • Guide's Subjects: NAS, Native, Native American Studies, Social Sciences & Cultural Studies
Screenshot of "U.S. Federal Documents on HathiTrust: Bureau of Indian Affairs Publications"

U.S. Federal Documents on HathiTrust: Bureau of Indian Affairs Publications

University of Washington Libraries (FDL #0644)

  • Find BIA publications using HathiTrust, including archaeological reports, bylaws, and population and economic statistics.
  • Guide's Subject: Government Publications

Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD)

The Federal Depository Library Program distributes Government information free of cost to libraries that participate in the program. These libraries have information specialists who can assist your research needs. To find your nearest depository, check out the FDLD

Screenshot of the FDLD map

Disclaimer about Community Guides

Visiting a community guide will direct you to other websites, which may have different privacy policies than the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Also, community guides may feature resources that are not U.S. Government publications or sources, which may not be freely available. Contact the community guide's owner for additional information or assistance.