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The U.S. Census Bureau collects demographic, economic, and geographic data about the American people. The following information shows some of the different data surveys and sets it collects. See the bureau's Our Surveys & Programs for additional types of data.
Types of U.S. households from the 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020 Decennial Censuses (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)
ACS is an annual survey on "vital information" about the people and the Nation. The four main topics are demographic, economic, housing, and social. Some of the collected data include ancestry, citizenship status, undergraduate field of degree, computer and internet use, value of home, employment status, and poverty status.
The Census of Governments "identifies the scope and nature of the nation's state and local government sector; provides authoritative benchmark figures of public finance and public employment." Information gathered includes payroll, organization, and finance.
The Decennial Census is the constitutionally mandated enumeration. Its data determine "to apportion the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives." This census occurs when the year ends in zero. The next one will be in 2030.
The Economic Census is the "official five-year measure of American businesses providing comprehensive statistics at the national, state, and local levels." It is required by law per Title 13 of the United States Code.
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